perm filename WOODS.TEX[AM,DBL] blob sn#400117 filedate 1978-12-05 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
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C00006 ENDMK
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{\:> \parindent 0pt \parskip 0pt \lineskip 0pt

\hjust{\hskip 3.4in Computer Science Dept.}

\hjust{\hskip 3.4in Stanford University}

\hjust{\hskip 3.4in Stanford, Ca. 94305}

\vskip 1pt

\hjust{\hskip 3.4in December 5, 1978}% 			DATE

\vskip 1pt %					ADDRESS

Dr. William A. Woods

Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.

50 Moulton St.

Cambridge, Mass. 02138


\vskip 8pt plus 2pt minus 1 pt \rm

Dear Bill, %					GREETING

\parindent 19 pt \parskip 7pt plus 2pt minus 1pt \lineskip 1pt

\vskip 1pt plus 1pt %					BODY

I left CMU last  July to become  an asst. professor  here at Stanford.   I
thought you  knew that  when  we saw  each other  at  SRI, else  I'd  have
discussed it with you then.   The motivation was primarily  climatological
(physical and cultural).

Hence, your letter to me at CMU was just delivered today.  If you want  to
visit there,  I'm  sure they'll  be  quite happy,  but  I don't  know  the
schedule, and I suggest you call Raj or Al Newell or Jaime Carbonell  (who
has just gone there).

Also, if you can come to Stanford sometime in the Spring quarter (April  1
through June  15) let  me know;  besides  wanting to  talk with  you,  I'm
running the equivalent of the Ai Seminar & intro. AI course, and it  would
be great to have you address them.

As to my thesis:  I am almost certain  I mailed you a copy a year or  more
ago; please doublecheck.  If not, then I'll be happy to send you  another.
One appendix lists each initial  concept, and each fact initially  present
about it.  Another appendix lists each heuristic, and cites an example  or
two of its use.

I have a great deal of  respect for your research judgment, and  therefore
solicit any sugestions you might have.  In the thesis I outline my  future
(now current)  continuation  plans.   The NSF  proposal  I'm  now  writing
updates that a little; when it's ready I'll send youa copy (a few weeks).

If you have any specific  queries, I can be  reached most easily over  the
Arpanet, as LENAT@SUMEX.
This is a copy of an Arpanet note I sent you, in case I mis-addressed that.


\hjust{\hskip 3.5in \:> Regards,}%			CLOSING
\vskip 1in
\hjust{\hskip 3.2in \it Douglas B. Lenat}%		SIGNATURE


\:jpdp:\:dDBL %						INITIALS
